TV Audience

Thursday, May 9: Europa LEague's match won pt slot (18.8%); exploit for ESC 2024 (13.9%); Viola come il Mare (14%); Pechino Express closed with 2.4%

Thursday, May 9: Europa LEague's match won pt slot (18.8%); exploit for ESC 2024 (13.9%); Viola come il Mare (14%); Pechino Express closed with 2.4%
Rai 1 football match of Europa League Bayern Leverkusen - Roma 3.917/18.8%
Canale 5 drama series Viola come il Mare 2 2.515/14%
Rai 2 music event Eurovision Song Contest 2024 2.817/13.9% (Semifinal 2)
NOVE comic show Comedy Match 472k/2.4%
Sky Uno adventure-game show Pechino Express 11 468k/2.4% (530k considering +1, rerun and on demand) (Last episode)
