
Publispei celebrates its 50th anniversary and restructures the company

Publispei celebrates its 50th anniversary and restructures the company
The Italian company Publispei founded in 1980 by gianni, Marco and Luca Ravera with Carlo Andrea Bixio is under a big  transformation. Actually led by Verdiana Bixio, the company produced long comedy series I Cesaroni (Canale 5), medical drama Un Medico in famiglia (Rai 1) and recently E' arrivata la felicità.

Verdiana has completed the team with new entries:
Francesca Primavera as Head of Editorial Development; Matteo B. Bianchi, TV author and discoverer of young talents, takes on the role of Head of Editorial Research and Special Projects Development; for the international side, Antonio Adinolfi who goes to take on the role of Head of Business & Commercial Affairs, who with his know-how brings important added value for both acquisition and development and international product sales.
She comes from the world of Design Ilaria Pagano, who assumes the role of Public Relations Manager and, finally, Francesca Novi, who, strengthened by her digital and marketing experience in different and diverse sectors, comes to fill the role of Social Media Manager.

Verdiana Bixio states "I am very proud of the Publispei I was born into and the one I see in front of me today. The team that I have sought in these years and that I present to you today, fully corresponds to my vision of the company, where professionalism, genres, insights, different languages mix and contaminate in the creation of content that best tells the complexity of reality, not only for an Italian taste, but also international."
