
Calls Open for 3 new project pitching sessions at Conecta

Calls Open for 3 new project pitching sessions at Conecta
Madrid, March 11, 2022.- The 6th edition of Conecta FICTION & ENTERTAINMENT presents 3 new pitching sessions with their corresponding calls, which will be open from today until 18 April. The finalist projects will be announced in mid-May and will be presented in El Greco Congress Palace in Toledo, Castilla-La Mancha (Spain) in June 21-24.

Two new sessions for fiction projects and one for dramatised documentaries.

“Pitch Copro Series”.
The classic Conecta session is renewed in this edition to include not only series projects but also short form series. Specially designed for projects in development with international potential that have or seek partners to produce and open for companies worldwide. No accreditation is required to submit a project.
Each of the 10 selected projects will have the opportunity to be presented to an audience of executives and potential industry partners at Conecta FICTION & ENTERTAINMENT. In addition, they will have an exclusive space reserved throughout the event to hold meetings with these and other professionals interested in them.

‘Pitch High-End Series’.
A new international call addressed to high-budget fiction series & miniseries projects in search for co-production partners. The projects must have at least 10% or more of the budget secured, with a minimum of 500.000 euros for series of less than 30 minutes per episode and 1.000.000 euros for those that exceed that length per episode.
In addition, it will be valued the project’s international potential which would include, for example, a clear international co-production potential, be backed by great talents such as screenwriters, directors, cast, showrunners, producers or be based on pre-existing works such as literary works, plays, podcasts, video games, among others
This pitching session will be limited to 5 finalist projects which must be in the development stage.
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