The Devil’s Tail is an action thriller centered on Sante Moras, portrayed by Luca Argentero (Saturn in Opposition, Eat Pray Love, Opposites Attract). Moras, a former police officer now working as a prison guard, faces a troubling twist when he is falsely accused of murder. Argentero’s performance reflects the inner conflict of a man determined to prove his innocence and unearth deeper truths. Set against the somber backdrop of Sardinia, the film opens with the murder of a young girl. When Moras becomes the prime suspect, he must go on the run. Helped by journalist Fabiana Lai, he begins to uncover disturbing secrets, while Lago, the unyielding police commissioner, pursues him relentlessly.
Cristiana Dell’Anna (Gomorrah, The King Laughs, Cabrini) appears as Fabiana Lai, a journalist committed to investigating Moras’ case, while Francesco Acquaroli (The Place That Feels Like Home, Unwanted, Dogman) plays Tommaso Lago, a police commissioner intent on capturing Moras.
Directed by Domenico De Feudis (The Binding) and written by Nicola Ravera Rafele and Gabriele Scarfone, The Devil’s Tail is produced by Andrea Paris and Matteo Rovere, in a collaboration between Groenlandia, Vision Distribution, and Sky.