
Netflix Acquires The UK Rights to Gold A Journey With Idris Elba

Netflix Acquires The UK Rights to Gold A Journey With Idris Elba
Netflix have acquired UK rights to Pioneer Productions’ premium feature documentary Gold: A Journey with Idris Elba from Passion Distribution.
This is the human story of gold. Idris Elba embarks on an adventure that explores gold’s meaning, how it has shaped cultures, religions, and entire economies around the world.
Gold is essential to human existence: embedded in our history and politics, in our art, in our healthcare and communications systems, and in so much more. The process of discovering it, unearthing it, shaping it and trading it have shaped both our history, and present day.
In this enthralling documentary, award-winning actor Idris Elba explores some of the most extraordinary places on Earth: he meets the Ashanti King in Ghana - a nation built on gold; he descends one of the deepest gold mines in the world; and he’s even given access to the top-secret gold reserves stored under the Bank of England.
Gold: A Journey with Idris Elba was conceived and shaped by the World Gold Council with the support of their members. It was executive produced by Peter Collins and directed by Paul Bradshaw, with Colin Byne, Lucy Joyner & Helen Shearer as Producers. Nick Tanner, Passion Distribution’s Director of Sales and Co-Productions, brokered the deal.
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