
The Golden Bachelor to Be Adapted in France

The Golden Bachelor to Be Adapted in France
The iconic dating show, Le Bachelor, which first aired 20 years ago on M6, is making a comeback with a senior twist. Landry, a 60-year-old gentleman, will meet 20 potential love interests aged between 55 and 67 in a new edition of the brand, with the title of The Golden Bachelor

Originally broadcast in 2003 on M6, this dating show allows a single man to meet 20 women in the hopes of finding his life partner through a series of romantic dates. At the end of each episode, the rose ceremony takes place, where the Bachelor offers a red rose to the women he wishes to continue the adventure with. 
Aired in the United States in 2023, this program highlighting those over 50 was a huge ratings success. Gerry Turner, the American Golden Bachelor, at 72 years old, won the hearts of an entire nation. In France, following in the footsteps of past Bachelors like Olivier, Karl, Steven, Adriano, Paul, and Gian Marco from the 2000s, French viewers will meet Landry, a 60-year-old single man, and his 20 "Bachelorettes" starting Thursday, June 27, on M6.

Tall, with wavy graying hair, a slight beard, and deep blue eyes, Landry, 60, captures the hearts of his 20 hopefuls right from the first episode. "He looks like Pierce Brosnan," one of them remarks upon seeing him.
A father of three children, with only the youngest still living at home, Landry has not had an easy life. He became a widower at 41 and has since devoted himself to his children. His story is likely to resonate with many viewers who also believe that life and love do not end with retirement.

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