
Big Sparks from Singapore

Big Sparks from Singapore
It was 2001 when The Tigers of Money (this is the literal translation of the original title) premiered on Nippon Tv, the very first “business talent”. A couple of years later Sony distributed it all around the world as Dragon’s Den (English title) or Shark Tank (US title). According K7’s report Tracking the Giants, in 2022 this format is still at the 6th place of the “Top 100 travelling unscripted formats 2022/23”, with 27 active versions.

During these 20 years, dozens of similar formats have been launched all around the world, without significant variations from the original model. The last one is The Big Spark, developed by Elevandi and TiE Global Summit, that is going to premiere across CNA platforms (an English language Asian network owned by Mediacorp) February 2024.
The rules are the usual ones: 24 start-up teams will pitch and test their best business ideas through a series of challenges and masterclasses, to some of the region’s most prominent venture capitalists for a prize of S$1 million (approx. 630.000€) in seed funding.
The extra-television development is the most interesting part. Beyond the reality show, The Big Spark aims to be a platform to cement Singapore’s position as a launchpad for innovation and entrepreneurship. Mediacorp will lend its wide reach and multiple platforms to support the region’s start-up culture, connecting key players across the ecosystem to nurture promising enterprise.
To read the other 2 articles about another Asian “business format” and a Scottish travel/social show go to LINK

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