
RAI has announced its new top management

RAI has announced its new top management
RAI has confirmed the new appointments to the public broadcaster’s top management, after the board’s official final approval of the nominations proposed by new CEO Roberto Sergio.

Among the new roles, the new Editors-in-Chief of the various news outlets are the following: Gian Marco Chiocci will handle the Direction of TG1; Antonio Preziosi will be Director of TG2; Mario Orfeo will become Head of TG3; Alessandro Casarin has been appointed as Director of TGR; Francesco Pionati will take on the role of Director of GR, as well as that of Rai Giornale Radio; Paolo Petrecca will lead the direction of Rai News; Giuseppe Carboni will be Head of Rai Parlamento; Andrea Vianello will take the helm of San Marino TV.

As for the various Genre Directions, Marcello Ciannamea will take on a new role as Director of Primetime Entertainment; Stefano Coletta will become the new Director of Distribution; Maria Pia Ammirati will be Head of Fiction; Angelo Mellone will be appointed as Daytime Entertainment Director; Paolo Corsini will be Insight Director; Silvia Calandrelli will take on the role of Head of the Culture and Education unit; Monica Maggioni will lead the Editorial Department for Information Offering; Adriano De Maio will lead the Cinema and Series unit; Nicola Rao will be appointed as Director of Communication; Maurizio Imbriale will be Director of Digital; Jacopo Volpi will lead the Sports unit; the Kids department will be handled by Luca Milano; Elena Capparelli will be the new Director of RaiPlay and Digital; Fabrizio Zappi will handle the Documentaries department; Francesco Giorgino will become Director of the Studios Office.
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