Set against the backdrop of the 100th anniversary of Kafka's death, the series explores the author’s strained relationships, emotional struggles, and literary genius. Collaborating with writer Daniel Kehlmann and Kafka expert Reiner Stach, Schalko brings to life Kafka’s tumultuous affairs, his challenging friendship with Max Brod, and the inner world of one of the 20th century’s most influential writers.
Since its debut in March, Kafka has been met with widespread acclaim, reaching audiences across the globe. ORF-Enterprise, which oversees the distribution of the series, has licensed Kafka to numerous international markets, including the Czech Republic, Slovenia, Switzerland, Sweden, Poland, the UK, Finland, Brazil, Mexico, the USA, and Australia. In Germany, a Limited Mediabook Edition DVD has been released to cater to the demand for the mini-series.
Armin Luttenberger, Head of Content Sales International at ORF-Enterprise, said: “As the proud distributors of the landmark series ‘Kafka’, we congratulate David Schalko and the entire team on this remarkable achievement. This series not only honors the legacy of Franz Kafka but also sets a new standard for historical storytelling. David Schalko’s creative vision and dedication have truly brought Kafka’s world to life in a way that resonates with audiences globally.”