TV Audience

Wednesday, July 10: Rai 1's football match Olanda VS Inghilterra won pt slot with 40.1%; Spose in Affari (1.3%)

Wednesday, July 10: Rai 1's football match Olanda VS Inghilterra won pt slot with 40.1%; Spose in Affari (1.3%)
Rai 1 football match of 2024 UEFA European Football Championship Olanda VS Inghilterra 7.131/40.1%
Canale 5 movie Crazy & Rich 1.685/10.6%
Rai 3 talk show Chi l’ha visto? 1.435/9.8%
TV8 adventure game show Pechino Express: La Via delle Indie 183k/1.2%
Real Time factual entertainment Spose in Affari 226k/1.3%