
Inter Medya Expands Turkish Mini-Series

Inter Medya Expands Turkish Mini-Series
Inter Medya's extended catalog, spanning over 15,000 hours of content, showcases a wide range of series, mini-series, co-productions, feature films, and formats, making it a standout in the industry.

The acclaimed Turkish distribution company is at the forefront of enhancing its diverse content portfolio through strategic investments and partnerships

A pivotal initiative in this direction is the introduction of the New Generation Turkish Series brand in 2021. This innovative move is designed to not only enrich its mini-series offerings but also to significantly elevate sales in this globally brewing genre.

The New Generation Turkish Series are mini-series designed specifically for streaming platforms. They offer a fresh perspective on traditional Turkish dramas. These innovative productions have revolutionized the Turkish television landscape with their untold stories and exceptional production quality, setting a new benchmark in Turkey's production history. They present unique narratives from diverse viewpoints while maintaining the essence of Turkish drama storytelling. Mini-series that derive their storytellings, character developments, and production qualities from Turkish DNAs, represent the bold, fast-paced, and edgy side of Turkish dramas. They emerge as daring productions that contribute to the global success of Turkish content, offering a fresh interpretation to the familiar.

Turkish mini-series, sharing in the successful legacy created by Turkish series worldwide, have begun to appear on numerous international digital platforms providing an opportunity to reach many viewers around the world who have not been previously acquainted with Turkish content. The success of Turkish mini-series on the local and global streaming platforms they are streamed has started to spill over to free-to-air channels.

Recent updates on its mini-series front reveal Inter Medya's completion of several international sales agreements.

The company has successfully licensed the mini-series INTERRUPTED, by TIMS&B Productions, and the TOD Original series DREAMS AND REALITIES, to Italy's Mediaset. INTERRUPTED, featuring eight 45-minute episodes, has also been welcomed in Morocco, and Thailand.

The out-of-box mini-series NAKED, after being licensed to Globo in Brazil, quickly rose to become the most-watched content in its debut week and maintained top viewership for a prolonged duration. Following this success, NAKED has also been introduced to audiences in Poland and Thailand.

Furthermore, Inter Medya has clinched deals for INTERRUPTED, RESPECT, and BEHZAT Ç. across the MENA region. The digital sequel of the legendary 9-season series, BEHZAT C., found homes in Venezuela, and the U.S. Hispanic market as well.

Inter Medya will soon announce many more mini-series deals and a new exclusive agreement to expand its catalog.
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