
Mik Cosentino lands on TV hosting the program Rinascimento Digitale

Mik Cosentino lands on TV hosting the program Rinascimento Digitale
Mik Cosentino lands on TV hosting the program Rinascimento Digitale
Rinascimento Digitale the first TV show entirely dedicated to modern business will debuts on Thursday, March 16th, on Value 24 TV (Sky bouquet).

The show (12 eps) will explore the world of business, the new economy and new technologies that are changing the way companies can operate and communicate. The issues will be presented in a simple language and with an international outlook, thanks to Mik Cosentino's experience, acquired in over 10 years working in Italy and abroad.
"I am very excited about this program that will allow me to give a voice to a new approach to business, which is not widely covered on the current TV. For this purpose, I’ve chosen a clear language that could offer new tools and perspectives to entrepreneurs, so that they can face an increasingly complex and distracted world with the right attitude, as well as to people who have entrepreneurial dreams to achieve but don't know where to start. The presence of discussions with guests and all the successful entrepreneurs - with their own experience and point of view on contemporary business - represents an added value that can inspire and motivate all the viewers" says Mik Cosentino.
