
Women in Film, Television & Media Italia hosted the Panel From Script to Screen in Milan

Women in Film, Television & Media Italia hosted the Panel From Script to Screen in Milan
On February 27, Women in Film, Television and Media Italia and Al Femminile hosted an insightful event called “Dalla Pagina Allo Schermo” (tr. From Script to Screen) at Grimaldi Alliance, in Milan.
Two panels, composed by female professionals in the entertainment industry in Italy, discussed two main topics: on the one hand, the gradual evolution of audiovisual writing, which is getting more and more attentive to both global and current issues; on the other hand, the (sometimes harsh) reality of local independent production and distribution, still difficult to achieve in Italy compared to an international context.
Among the professionals involved, Francesca Comencini (director behind successes like Gomorra and the new Sky European coproduction Django) and Sonia Rovai (Senior Director of Scripted Productions for Sky Studios Italia) took part in the discussion.
It was a great opportunity to reflect on the current events in the Italian audiovisual industry, concentrating on the amazing achievements to date and manifesting a few hopes for the future of this business.

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