
Drama Series Scorpion goes to Chile and Panama

Drama Series Scorpion goes to Chile and Panama
Inter Medya, continues its contribution to the worldwide journey of Turkish content without slowing down, as drama series Scorpion has been licensed to Chile’s Canal 13 and to TVN in Panama.
Scorpion, whose Latin America journey started with Ecuador last year, has been licensed to many territories such as Israel, Romania, Albania, Sub-Saharan Africa and others by Inter Medya.

“Scorpion is a very successful production that carries all Turkish drama codes. In this drama where we watch the stories that develop around a mother-daughter war, we are watching a real scorpion fight. We are sure that it will be enjoyed and watched excitedly by Panama and Chile audiences!” said VP and Head Of Sales and Acquisitions of Inter Medya, Beatriz Cea Okan.

The successful production, bears the signature of 1441 Productions. Starred by successful names such as Demet Akbağ, Evrim Alasya, Yusuf Çim, Aslı Melisa Uzun, Scorpion presents a gripping love, family and revenge story.
