
Serena Rossi on Sky Original Comedy Beata Te

Serena Rossi on Sky Original Comedy Beata Te
Sky Cinema will premiere on Christmas Day, the new original comedy Beata Te produced for Sky by Cinemaundici and Vision Distribution that tackles the delicate topic of motherhood and free choice.

Produced by Olivia Musini, directed by Paola Randi (La Befana vien di notte - Le origini) and screenplay by Lisa Nur Sultan and Carlotta Corradi, the film is based on the play "Farsi Fuori" by Luisa Merloni and stars Serena Rossi (Ammore e malavita, Song 'e Napule, La tristezza ha il sonno leggero).
Alongside her is Fabio Balsamo (Imperfetti criminali)

Also the cast includes Paola Tiziana Cruciani, Gianni Ferreri, Valentina Correani, Elisa Di Eusanio, Corrado Fortuna, Emiliano Masala, Alessandro Riceci and with little Caterina Bernardi.

Marta (Serena Rossi) is a theater director, single and all in all satisfied with her life, just a step away from the debut of her Hamlet. On her 40th birthday she receives an unexpected visit: the Archangel Gabriel (Fabio Balsamo), who would like to announce the birth of a son. But Marta is not sure she wants a child "as a gift" and asks for time to think about it. Taken aback by this request, forced to stay on Earth longer than expected, Gabriel moves into her house and stays with her for the two weeks that Marta needs to figure out what she wants for herself and to be happy.
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