
Food Network launches a cooking show set in Sicily - Ci vediamo al bar (See you at the Coffee Shop)

Food Network launches a cooking show set in Sicily - Ci vediamo al bar (See you at the Coffee Shop)
Food Network and Discovery + will broadcast a new cooking show filmed in Sicily titled Ci vediamo al bar - Sapori di Sicilia on Thursday, October 27 at 10pm.

The show (5x60') is produced by Casta Diva for Warner Bros. Discovery from an original idea of Giusi Battaglia,  who will travel accross the island with actor Paolo Briguglia, on a journey to discover the bar (coffee bars) of their land.
 In each episode, they will visit two establishments coffee shops famous for a Sicilian  pastry , which will be the topic of the challenge. Being fascinated by the colorful shop windows and the chatter of the customers, Giusi and Paolo will taste the same specialty in the two versions prepared by the challenging bars, highlighting its characteristics and peculiarities. It will also be an opportunity for Giusina to browse in the kitchen and get her hands in the dough, following firsthand the steps of the various preparations.

To have the final word however, will not be Giusi and Paolo, but rather the people met by chance in the street who, after tasting the specialties of episode, without knowing their origin, will decide the winner. 

Ci vediamo al bar takes its inspiration from Nati Stanchi (2002), the first film produced by Ficarra and Picone, in which Salvo and Valentino spend entire days in the bar of their town, to sustain its economy!
