
Global scripted trends at Series Mania

Global scripted trends at Series Mania
Global Trends in scripted series in partnership with CNC was one of the keynote presented at Series Manie in Lille by Danard Benoit.
The presentation reviewed the current trends in global fiction production by geographical area, genre and type of broadcaster (TV/SVOD) and highlighted consumer preferences for fiction based on survey results from 25 different countries around the world.

Danard Benoit said that:"In the recent years there has been a structural increase in the number of TV series that networks and streamers commission
China and US have the highest number of programmes of fiction either in development, ordered or released in the last 12th months".
France is among the top 3 commissioning countries in Europe.

He also added that :" Global streamers and US studios are the biggest commissioners of TV fiction in the world, followed by Asian players and public European broadcasters.
More than half of all titles commissioned during the last year were either drama or crime shows, with important differences in the commissioning strategies between linear broadcasters and SVoD platforms. France is among the countries with the most commissions of crime and thriller shows.
Consumption of local TV series is particularly popular: 33% of views surveyed declare watching very often TV content produced in their own country".

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