
Series Mania Forum announced two new initiatives highlighting the efforts and contributions of women in the industry.

Series Mania Forum announced two new initiatives highlighting the efforts and contributions of women in the industry.

Organized in association with European Women’s Audiovisual Network and Pour Les Femmes Dans Les Médias, the Woman in Series Award will honor the vision and leadership of remarkable women in the audiovisual industry. The inaugural award will go to Christina Sulebakk, general manager of HBO Max EMEA.

In addition, Series’ Women will offer 20 participants training in visibility and leadership. Organized with the Erich Pommer Institut (EPI), the initiative aims to increase the visibility of female producers and female-driven projects in the industry. The program will provide curated mentoring, individual pitch training, and exclusive pitching and networking opportunities at Series Mania Forum.

Laurence Herszberg, founder and general director of Series Mania, stated, “Creating, developing and implementing these initiatives in order to highlight and value the work of women within our industry is something that is incredibly close to my heart. I could not be prouder than to present Christina with our first ‘Woman in Series Award’ as she epitomizes that of a remarkable leader with true vision. And I have no doubt that the ‘Series’ Women’ program will be a first-class event aimed to increase the visibility of female producers and projects.
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