
Canale 5 announces its Autumn's programming

Canale 5 announces its Autumn's programming
Pier Silvio Berlusconi held a press conference in Milan on Thursday, July 1 talking about advertising and new programs.

Among the many novelties of the presentation of Mediaset 2021 2022 schedules in Autumn flagship Canale 5 presents many returning shows with some surprises.

The schedule is rich with entertainment shows and variety. It starts on Sunday with "Scherzi a parte" (hosted by Enrico Papi), "All Together Now" (with Michelle Hunziker) and "All Together Now Kids" (two specials near Christmas). On Monday "Grande Fratello Vip" (with Alfonso Signorini and as commentators Sonia Bruganelli and Adriana Volpe) for thirteen scheduled episodes and eight probable doubles. In that case, the broadcast is also scheduled on Friday. Tuesday is dedicated the Champions League, the specials of "Free Fall" and films.

Wednesday is the day dedicated to great dramas.  This is the order: "Light of your eyes" with Anna Valle and Giuseppe Zeno, "Justice for all" with Raoul Bova and "History of a respectable family" with Simona Cavallari and Giuseppe Zeno.

Thursday evening events are dedicated to entertainment: "Star in the star" (hosted by Ilary Blasi), "D'Iva" (two evenings dedicated to Iva Zanicchi), "Zelig" (three special evenings hosted byVanessa Incontrada and Claudio Bisio to celebrate the show with characters such as Aldo Giovanni and Giacomo, Ale and Franz), Claudio Baglioni (negotiations are still underway to give shape to the project that wants to celebrate the singer's 70 years and career). Friday appointment with the "Big Brother Vip". Saturday everyone in front of the TV to follow "Tu si que vales".