
Cosetta Lagani appointed Chief of Scripted & Documentary Productions by Minerva Pictures

Cosetta Lagani appointed Chief of Scripted & Documentary Productions by Minerva Pictures
Minerva Pictures announces a new entry into the ranks of the company. Cosetta Lagani, after a long experience in Sky Italia, joins the organization chart of Minerva Pictures as Chief of Scripted and Documentary Productions. The company therefore strengthens its team with the aim of extending its production also to the TV and OTT market.

Cosetta Lagani has fifteen years of experience in cinema, media and television business at Sky Italia (Comcast Corporation), where she covered several roles: first in the General Management and then in Marketing and Communications, up until 2011 when she became part of Programming Department as Director of Sky 3D Channel and after as Director of Sky Theatrical Art Movies.
Her name is especially tied to the original idea and production of feature movies dedicated to Italian art and culture, developed with the most advanced cinematic technologies, that became big hits in the international film market. Art movies she launched since 2013 with The Vatican Museums 3D, that contributed to change definitively the way art is narrated on the big screen at worldwide level, and broke numerous records nationwide (at box office and Sky ratings) and internationally, with a capillary distribution in theaters and on TV in 60 countries all over the globe. Among these, it’s worth mentioning Florence and the Uffizi Gallery (winner of the Nastro d'Argento), Caravaggio, the Soul and the Blood (winner of the Italian Golden Globe), Michelangelo, Endless (finalist at the David di Donatello. winner of Moige award).
