This prestigious event brings together ten leading Japanese broadcasters, including Nippon TV, TV Asahi, TBS Television, TV Tokyo, Fuji TV, Yomiuri Telecasting Corporation, ABC Frontier, Kansai TV, Chukyo TV, and Tokai TV, to present an exciting lineup of drama titles. The objective is to highlight the unique strengths of Japanese storytelling and production while targeting overseas markets for licensing opportunities.
ATF is renowned for attracting over 4,500 participants from around 60 countries annually, serving as a vibrant hub for content trading and industry collaboration.
ATF is renowned for attracting over 4,500 participants from around 60 countries annually, serving as a vibrant hub for content trading and industry collaboration.
Drama Gems from Japan aims to leverage this global platform to promote not only completed dramas but also scripted formats that showcase the diversity and creativity of Japanese television. The event will be moderated by Michelle Lin of K7 Media, who will guide the session by introducing the featured drama titles and their key selling points. Trailers of the showcased works will be screened, followed by an in-depth discussion of their unique appeal. Adding further value to the event, representatives from the production and international sales teams of two selected dramas will take the stage to delve into their creative process and global potential.
The list of dramas set to be unveiled reflects the breadth and richness of Japanese content, ranging from suspense and heartfelt narratives to compelling character-driven stories. Among the highlights are Nippon TV’s Secret Makeover, TV Asahi’s The Travelnurse, TBS Television’s Eye Love You, TV Tokyo’s Until I Destroyed My Husband’s Other Family, and Fuji TV’s Where Does the Sea Begin. Other exciting titles include Octo: Mind Investigator Akari Shinno season 2 from Yomiuri Telecasting Corporation, Miss Target from ABC Frontier, Monster from Kansai TV, Unsung Culinary Delights from Chukyo TV, and The Hidden Heroes from Tokai TV.
Organized by BEAJ, the event underscores Japan’s commitment to expanding its influence in the global entertainment industry. By showcasing high-quality drama content, the participating companies aim to forge new partnerships, drive licensing agreements, and bring Japanese creativity to a broader international audience. The event offers a unique opportunity for global buyers to experience the storytelling brilliance that distinguishes Japanese television and positions it as a key player in the international content market.
For further information about the event and the featured drama titles, visit the official event website: link
The list of dramas set to be unveiled reflects the breadth and richness of Japanese content, ranging from suspense and heartfelt narratives to compelling character-driven stories. Among the highlights are Nippon TV’s Secret Makeover, TV Asahi’s The Travelnurse, TBS Television’s Eye Love You, TV Tokyo’s Until I Destroyed My Husband’s Other Family, and Fuji TV’s Where Does the Sea Begin. Other exciting titles include Octo: Mind Investigator Akari Shinno season 2 from Yomiuri Telecasting Corporation, Miss Target from ABC Frontier, Monster from Kansai TV, Unsung Culinary Delights from Chukyo TV, and The Hidden Heroes from Tokai TV.
Organized by BEAJ, the event underscores Japan’s commitment to expanding its influence in the global entertainment industry. By showcasing high-quality drama content, the participating companies aim to forge new partnerships, drive licensing agreements, and bring Japanese creativity to a broader international audience. The event offers a unique opportunity for global buyers to experience the storytelling brilliance that distinguishes Japanese television and positions it as a key player in the international content market.
For further information about the event and the featured drama titles, visit the official event website: link