Netflix releases on Wednesday, May 29 the series The Life You Wanted, produced by Banijay Studios Italy, created and directed by Ivan Cotroneo, starring Vittoria Schisano in the role of protagonist Gloria. The cast also includes Giuseppe Zeno (Sergio), Pina Turco (Marina), Alessio Lapice (Pietro), and Nicola Bello (Andrea), alongside Bianca Nappi, Francesco Pellegrino, and Bellarch.
The Life You Wanted is a story of bonds and friendship and it's focus on Gloria, the main protagonist, whose happiness in Lecce is disrupted by the return of her old friend Marina, who brings along her children and a new, complicated situation involving Pietro. Reluctant to revisit her past, Gloria must confront her desires, history, and future, discovering that happiness can come unexpectedly and love is essential for a fulfilling life.
The series, created and written by Ivan Cotroneo and Monica Rametta, is directed by Cotroneo himself. The production is overseen by Massimo Del Frate, Head of Drama for Banijay Studios Italy. The 6-episode series is set in Lecce, Salento, and Naples.