The innovative series Eppure cadiamo felici (tr: Yet We Fall Happy), produced by Publispei in collaboration with Rai Fiction, freely inspired by the book written by Enrico Galiano for Garzanti, has been nominated as the Best TV Series Adaptation of the Year at the TikTok Book Awards 2024, that will be held on May 11th at the Auditorium Giovanni Agnelli in Lingotto, Turin.
During the event, we will discover whether the series, which tells the story of the adventures of the shy and introverted teenager Gioia (Gaja Masciale), who falls in love with Lo (Costantino Seghi), a mysterious and solitary boy, directed by Matteo Oleotto and produced with the support of FVG Film Commission - PromoTurismoFVG and the Chamber of Commerce of Venezia Giulia Trieste Gorizia - Fondo Gorizia, will win the prestigious award. The 8-episode series is written by Valerio D'Annunzio and Vanessa Picciarelli.