
Toledo will held the 8th edition of Conecta in 2024

Toledo will held the 8th edition of Conecta in 2024
The seventh edition of Conecta FICTION & ENTERTAINMENT was inaugurated on Monday, June  26 at the Cigarral de Santa María Vineyard. During the cocktail, with the presence of the  Junta de Comunidades de Castilla-La Mancha,  Patricia Franco, Javier Yraola, Project Director at ICEX-Invest in Spain and the Director of the event Géraldine Gonard announced that the 2024 edition will be held again in Toledo. 

Géraldine Gonard expressed her gratitude to Castilla-La Mancha for its strong support, to ICEX for joining this year with such a broad and convincing program; and finally to the participating professionals, since "this will be the largest edition of those held to date - we have a record number of participants, close to a thousand".