
Domizia De Rosa presented a panel dedicated to the women's role in the Industry and new generation

Domizia De Rosa presented a panel dedicated to the women's role in the Industry and new generation
Sof Power for NextGen film professionals – Women, Academy, Industry was one of the most interesting panel at MIA- The Audiviovisual Market held in Rome form October 11 to 15 presented by Domizia De Rosa, president of WIFTMI (Women in Film, Television & Media).

The discussion was introduced by Francesco Rutelli president of Anica.

The focus of the event was the culture of diversification and gender inclusion in an ever-expanding industry that has enabled countless women to find their way to success. Speakers on the stage at the Nuovo Cinema Barberini also focused on the steps and choices that still need to be taken to ensure the development of the industry that provides equal opportunities for all.

Chiara Sbarigia, President of Cinecittà spa, spoke about the statement: “For 25 years I have been working behind the scenes. When I arrived at Cinecittà I found a characteristic situation, all the managers were men no hint of gender equality. So I started working on the female side, a restorative act. The Ministry was helpful. I managed to do something of my own small way with culture. Don’t expect anyone to give you something, so take the role”

Lucia Carta, Director Business & Legal Affairs Italy at Netflix, also took the floor, speaking: “Listening is very important. Welcoming new talent also helps them in these kinds of skills, such as soft power. I disagree with the female stereotype of soft power because I have seen women who once in power have started to implement hard power. (…) Important is the theme of courage, courage to make mistakes, to make choices that may not have been right at first. Young people have a natural inclination towards inclusion. I would encourage them to spread this vision in the companies where they go to work.”

Piera Detassis, President and Artistic Director of the Accademia del Cinema Italiano – Premi David di Donatello, also spoke: “I discovered soft power in Venice. I started as a journalist, then I was made director, maybe soft power was already in place. At the time, Sun Tzu’s Art of War was on all the directors’ tables. (…) The most dangerous thing is to follow a pattern and not to delegate especially to people outside your range.”

While Marta Donzelli, Producer and President of the Fondazione Centro Sperimentale di Cinematografia, emphasised how: “Women train a little more to persuade the new generations, they do it with the weapons of study and dedication. Curiosity, determination and resilience are all words that have to do with soft power.”

In contrast, Beatrice Flammini, Vice President, Government and Regulatory Affairs at NBC Universal, said: “The problem is the role models we have. In the last couple of years we have learnt how to rebalance our lives; at the same time I think it is important, essential to find a good work ethic.”
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