
Beta Film's MIPTV Line-up: Canneseries Entries Maxima & Operation Sabre, Plus KRANK Berlin Trailer Premiere

Beta Film's MIPTV Line-up: Canneseries Entries Maxima & Operation Sabre, Plus KRANK Berlin Trailer Premiere
Beta Film Unveils Diverse Lineup for MIPTV: From Medical Drama KRANK Berlin to Canneseries Entries Maxima and Operation Sabre

Beta Film brings a rich selection of 20 titles to MIPTV, featuring thrilling new dramas and returning favorites. Headlining the lineup is the eagerly anticipated medical drama KRANK Berlin, set in the heart of Berlin's toughest hospital. Canneseries Out-of-Competition title Maxima portrays the journey of Queen Maxima of the Netherlands, while Canneseries Competition entry Operation Sabre explores the assassination of the Serbian Prime Minister in 2003.

Other highlights include the vibrant YA drama Stochkolm Pride from Sweden, the French mystery series Homejacking, and Series Mania award winner Soviet Jeans from Latvia. Returning favorites include El Immortal, Hotel Portofino, Wisting, and Homicide Hills - Fresh Force.

KRANK Berlin, created by former emergency room doctor turned screenwriter Samuel Jefferson, offers a gritty portrayal of life in an overcrowded hospital, blending dark humor with the relentless pursuit of saving lives.

Maxima, described as the potential new The Crown by Variety, chronicles the life of Argentine-born Maxima Zorreguieta as she navigates royal life in the Netherlands.

Operation Sabre delves into the true story of the assassination of Serbian Prime Minister Zoran Đinđić in 2003, marking a pivotal moment in the nation's history.

Don't miss the world premieres of Maxima and Operation Sabre at Canneseries, promising captivating storytelling and unforgettable drama.