
Mediaset's CEO Pier Silvio Berlusconi commented the good results of the group

Mediaset's CEO Pier Silvio Berlusconi commented the good results of the group
During the press conference "Digital Developments - Mediaset Innovation 2024" held on January 31, Mediaset CEO Pier Silvio Berlusconi commented on the group's audience and revenue performance, anticipating many  news  of the Spring's schedule. "The significant data is that today we are the largest Italian publisher, and it's important for the numbers we bring to investors," he emphasized. Mediaset's advertising revenues in Italy, a company of Mfe-Media For Europe, indeed saw a 2.1% growth in 2023 compared to 2022. There is also optimism for 2024: "In January, the trend is absolutely positive." There is a consistent growth in the overall publisher and also in the sole generalist networks of the two competitors. For Rai, the first days of the year show a -1.9% against Mediaset's +0.4%. The real difference with the competition is noticed by surveying the ratings on digital devices: "The total audience has decreased by 15% for other channels, while Mediaset has recorded a plus 1.4%." It is precisely for this reason that they aim to enhance streaming content: "The second season of 'Viola come il mare', the fiction with Can Yaman and Francesca Chillemi, will be broadcast in preview and for free in March on Mediaset Infinity, then the TV series will debut on Canale 5 in late spring or autumn," announced Berlusconi.

There are many surprises on the reality front. "'La Talpa' is currently too expensive for Italia 1, but revisiting the project maybe it can move to Canale 5, I believe in it," said the CEO. The next edition of "L'Isola dei famosi" will have the same formula already tested on "Grande Fratello": "with a mix of known and unknown characters in the cast, to bring back stories and deeper narration to the center, and the hosting will be entrusted to Vladimir Luxuria. "I have great respect for Luxuria, she is a sensitive person, she has gone through a path on the Island as a contestant and even won it, then as a reporter and as a commentator. So who better than her can do well?" explained Pier Silvio Berlusconi, who then specified that Ilary Blasi will remain a face of Canale 5: "We are working on the transition of 'Battiti Live,' a highly successful summer music event, from Italia 1 to the flagship network. And Ilary will be the host." Berlusconi also spoke about Paolo Bonolis, whose contract with Mediaset expires in June. "I have a relationship of great respect and genuine gratitude with Bonolis," he said, revealing that there will be a new edition of "Avanti un altro!" in 2025. "What will happen at the natural expiration of the contract depends not only on us: Paolo is here and we are ready to follow his innovative spirit."
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