
46th edition of the Festival des 3 Continents film submission guidelines

46th edition of the Festival des 3 Continents film submission guidelines
The 46th edition of the Festival des 3 Continents is set to unfold in Nantes, France, from November 15 to 24, 2024.

This cinematic celebration showcases feature films hailing from Africa, Latin America, and Asia, encompassing both fiction and documentary genres.

We welcome submissions of new films that meet the following criteria:
- Completed after November 1st, 2023.
- Crafted by directors who are either natives or nationals of a country in Africa, Latin and Indigenous America, Black America, or Asia.
- Minimum length of 45 minutes.
- Unreleased and unseen in France before the Festival's opening (applies to the International Competition).

The Festival is dedicated to discovering emerging filmmakers and promoting recently completed films through its Official Selection, which typically consists of an International Competition and Special Screenings. Parallel programs delve into contemporary cinema and the rediscovery of film heritage via historical retrospectives, offering diverse perspectives from or toward the three continents.

Submissions to the Official Selection are open until July 31st, 2024. We eagerly await your captivating contributions to make the 46th edition an unforgettable cinematic experience.
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