
BBC movie Smei and Smufi on Rai

BBC movie Smei and Smufi on Rai
Rai Play and Rai Yoyo will broadcast the BBC movie Smei and  Smufi based by Julia Donaldson, based on a story that recalls Romeo and Juliet.

Smei and Smufi live on the same planet but can’t stand each other, indeed they hate each other. After all, there could not have been two more different peoples in the universe: the former have red skin, love to splash in water and eat loaves; the latter are blue, they drink tea, they love to jump and make holes in the earth. 

However, the ending is not tragic as in Shakespeare, but happy and positive: Capulets and Montecchi of this strange alien planet will learn from the example of smea Greta and the smufo Dante to know each other, to respect each other and to love each other. 